Washing transit packaging
Transit packaging washed by Distrifresh
During the transport of the transit packaging, Distrifresh offers its clients the option of washing the packaging for them. This means that all transit packaging is cleaned of bacteria. The advantage of this thorough way of cleaning is that the transit packaging can be included in the business processes again immediately on arrival. Our clients also don’t have to spend any more thought on the transit packaging so that they can invest more time in doing business.
External checks
In order to be able to guarantee that our transit material really is bacteria-free, we make use of external inspectors. These external companies test our washed transit material as objective external agencies so that we can assure our clients that the packaging has been cleaned correctly and can be used straightaway again.
Transit packaging registration
Regardless of its age, transit packaging has to be handled correctly so that it can continue to be used over a longer period. This is an area where savings can be made. our staff know about this and know how they should handle transit packaging. They also make sure that the transit packaging is in the right place and that it is delivered to the right client. We register all transit packaging on arrival and keep an eye on it in our system until it is returned to the client.
We work with all sorts of transit packaging, like all sizes of cask, pallets, roll cages, drums, tanks and much more. If you want to make sure that we work with your transit packaging or if you would like more information about Distrifresh’s transit handling, you can always get in touch with us by ringing +31 88 995 4100 or sending an e-mail to info@distrifresh.com.