Order picking

Order picking is an element of quality care at Distrifresh

Order picking can be defined as the activity in which a small number of goods are taken from a warehouse to prepare orders for clients. Order-picking has become an important part of the supply chain process. This applies to any warehouse.

At a chilled product distribution company like Distrifresh, efficient order picking is a must. As a professional organisation we have chosen the best way of picking orders very carefully, among other methods, ‘pack your pack’ and pick-to-zero. ‘Pack your pack’ order picking is mostly applied for supermarkets. An agreed number of packets (consumer packs) are picked in the warehouse and made ready to be transported. Pick-to-zero is dividing the packets between the different, separate shops. For order picking in general, space is always needed for warehousing, order picking and handling. The organisation and the building are organised completely for this purpose in accordance with the latest standards. An important aspect for Distrifresh is food safety. For this reason, the processes are also organised in accordance with the most up to date standards for chilled products and food hygiene. The order picking and material handling are included in the quality handbook as a matter of course.

Order picking in accordance with the Distrifresh’s DNA

The order picking system that Distrifresh uses is entirely worked out and tuned to the organisation’s objectives. The chilled transport company can then also pay attention to more transparency with regard to animal welfare and food safety. Clear communication about these matters is important. Distrifresh staff are briefed about these objectives and processes so that everyone knows what they are doing.

If you would like to know more, please get in touch with us.

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