Transit Packaging

Distrifresh takes care of transit packaging in all sorts of shapes and sizes

Distrifresh specialises in the transport of chilled products. With more than 300 employees and well planned logistical processes, we’re able to deliver everywhere in the Netherlands and Belgium. In the course of time we have gained a great deal of experience and fine-tuned our processes. We have also expanded our services with value added logistics. Our practical attitude means that we are in a perfect position to help our clients and our logistic specialists apply the most modern planning techniques. This means that our routes with regard to our locations are as efficient as possible. This generates profit: for the client, for the supplier and for our drivers. The products which we transport are always packed in, for example, crates, pallets or roll cages. Distrifresh has set up a number of registration and cleaning processes in our distribution centre in Boxtel, specially for the care of the transit packaging.

Transit packaging registration

Because these means of packaging are worth a great deal of money and form part of the assets of your company, Distrifresh is very careful with them On arrival, transit packaging is registered and monitored so that there aren’t any mistakes. We also record when the transit packaging leaves our warehouses, of course. We also agree periodic transit packaging ‘balances’ with our clients to avoid any confusion.

Cleaning transit packaging at Distrifresh

During the transport and handling of chilled products, the transit packaging gets dirty and has to be cleaned. Even here, Distrifresh has a service to offer. If the client wants us to, we clean all transit packaging in accordance with the latest hygiene standards, so that the crates can be included in the production process immediately on return to your company. Should you be interested in our services, we can always be reached by telephone at +31 88 995 4100 or e-mail

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